Living in Toronto can be exhaustingly expensive (it might not be too exhausting if you use this to rent, though).
Sometimes it can feel like you can’t step out of your front door to do something fun without spending at least 50 dollars. That isn’t the case though! It just takes a little bit of research to find the most economically friendly ways to spend your time in Toronto.
We’ve got your back.
Lucky for you, we did the research and put together a list of the top 5 neighbourhoods to go on a date that won’t break the bank. You don’t need a lot of money to impress your date, just know the right spots to take them and thankfully Toronto has a lot to offer!
Top Neighbourhoods in Toronto for a Wallet Friendly Date
1.The Distillery District is a great walking date. With all of the art galleries that are open year round there and the festivals in the summer, it has a lot to offer for your viewing pleasure. There is always something going on! The only money you really need to spend is getting there, and maybe picking up a delicious drink along the way. If your date is into art this could be the perfect spot! It costs nothing to pop into the galleries and admire the work. There is also great food down there that is reasonably priced if you feel like a bite at any point.
Behold. The Distillery District at night.
2.Queen St West is one of, if not the coolest neighbourhood in Toronto. Along the street is El Furniture Warehouse which is a hip bar / restaurant that usually has a massive line in front. All the food there is only 5 dollars, so you can grab a bite to eat and then walk down Queen St West all the way through Chinatown and into Kensington Market and just take in all the sights and sounds. Chinatown also has really cheap food and drinks, and Kensington Market is just fun to walk through and look in all the quirky shops. Your date and you can enjoy yourself without spending more than 20 dollars!
Look at those blossoms! Seriously, look at them!
3. High Park is a great place for a picnic date! Perfect for animal and nature lovers. Just get off at High Park station and walk to the infamous park which is home to loads of walking trails (perfect for a hike date) and finish it off with stopping by the free High Park zoo! Who doesn’t love capybaras? You date is sure to be impressed.
Oh, Canada.
4. King Street West on a Wednesday night is the place to go to find 5 dollar martini special! Drinks are always a good way to go for a date but it can get very pricey very quickly. Just pop into Hey Lucy and you can both have a couple of drinks without going over 30 bucks! Then walk up and down one of the Toronto’s busiest streets and take in all the sights and sounds.
One of Toronto’s finest gems, if I do say so myself.
5.College station is in one of the most active and fun areas of Toronto, one thing you can do there is go to the movies! Carlton Cinema’s is a 5 minute walk from the station and is only 5 dollars on Tuesdays to see a movie. After the movie you can continue onto Allan Gardens Conservatory which is totally free and home to plants from all over the world. Click here to see what flower shows are on at the Gardens at different times of year! What’s more romantic than taking a stroll in a green house and being surrounded by natural beauty?
Old school cool.