Toronto definitely isn’t known as the most pet-friendly city for renters. Cafes and leash free parks are hard to come by too.
Often, landlords and property managers will refuse renters with pets, and many buildings have bylaws that disallow pets altogether.
It’s a struggle trying to pour through search results for your parameters, only to find that the apartment you love doesn’t allow Fluffy to live with you there.
There are a few good resources out there for renters to find apartments, condos and townhouses in and around Toronto that are known to be pet friendly.

Can’t leave this face behind.
Toronto Rentals is a great resource for people looking to rent in Toronto and find a place that will meet all their requirements, like allowing their furry family member to move in! It will make your search a lot easier and hassle free. Every listing gives you full information about the residence so you will know right away whether they allow pets, instead of going to see the place and getting invested and then finding out your pet can’t join you. keeps a small list of available rentals that welcome pets. It might not be updated too regularly, though, so it’s possible that the listings are out of date. But the site does allow renters to filter their search results for apartments that allow large dogs, small dogs and/or cats. You can even choose the type of building that suits you, such as a high-rise, house and townhouse.

Don’t you just want to cuddle this sweet pup forever?
Toronto Roommates
Looking for a roomie who will love Spot as much as you do? Toronto Roommates has a whole listing page with rentals where you can live with a pet-friendly roommate. The site seems to be updated pretty regularly so you’ll have plenty of current information on listings that are available now.
Pet Friendly Toronto
More focused on vacation renters, Pet Friendly Toronto is a site that provides listings at a furnished downtown Toronto condo building that welcomes pets of all types to come along with their owners. Daily, weekly and monthly rates are available, so you might find availability for long-term rentals.
Dogster is a site for all things dog, and it happens to have a forum thread about dog-friendly apartments in Toronto. Click the link above to read the thread, then peruse the rest of the site for some super handy tips about doggie lifestyle, care, accessories and tons of great advice for dog owners.
More of a listing of pet-friendly vacation rentals than long-term places to live, BringFido’s pretty good about providing links to pet-friendly resources in Toronto, like training facilities, vets and dog boarding kennels.

He’ll try his best to help hang the posters!